Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Would You Like Your Children to Be Superior?

Chiropractic VS. Allopathic care for kids

Title: A Comparative study of the Health Status of Children Raised Under the Health Care Models of Chiropractic and Allopathic Medicine
Citation: Journal of Chiropractic Research---Research Forum Summer 1989; Vol. 5, No. 4, pp.101-103
Authors: Wendy M. van Breda D.C., and Juan M. van Breda, D. C.
Synopsis: By Dan Murphy, D.C.

1. There is a definite correlation between chiropractic care and superior health."

2. 94% of medical children are vaccinated while only 25% of chiropractic children are vaccinated (from abstract).

3. 69% of the chiropractic children have never had otitis media (middle ear infection), while only 20% of the medical children never had otitis media.

4. Chiropractors contend that chiropractic care improves quality of life, stimulates the immune system, and confers superior health.

5. Allopathic healthcare is primarily disease treatment. Chiropractic healthcare is primarily preventative.

6. 91% of the chiropractic children started chiropractic care by age 1

7. “95% of the chiropractors considered that chiropractic has a positive effect on their children's health."

8. "This study has shown that children raised under chiropractic care are less prone to infections processes such as the otitis media and tonsillitis, and that their immune systems are better able to cope with allergens such as pollen, weeds, grasses, etc., as compared to children raised under allopathic care.”

9. This is a significant decreased history of antibiotic use among the chiropractic children, "indicating a lowered susceptibility to bacterial infections as a result of greater immune system response."

10. The chiropractors responded that the "recovery period from any trauma or illness by their children was more rapid than that of their children's peers.”

11. Non-immunized chiropractic children who came down with those childhood diseases seem to have minor diseases that were not incapacitating. "The hypothesis that chiropractic care maintains the immune system is supported by the observation that even though the children did have the disease, their lifestyles were not affected and recovery periods were short."

12. Comments from medical pediatricians indicate that a number of them believe that, essentially, all children suffer from otitis media and that all children have at least one course of prescribed antibiotics. "These are fallacies propagated within allopathic medicine, as demonstrated by this study."

13. "This study has shown that there is validity in the premise that chiropractic has a positive effect on the health status of individuals."

14. The results of the study confirmed the benefits of the chiropractic model of health care on the health status of children.

Monday, June 8, 2009

High Alert!

High Alert!

High Alert!


Everyone saw this on the news when the swine flu was going around!  Everyone was glued to the T.V worrying about a possible outbreak!  They said if this outbreak would have spread, tragically about 1000’s of people would have died! 



It’s a matter of LIFE and DEATH!


Today, 2 people will die every minute directly from medicine and medical doctors!

Today, 1 person every 30 seconds will be diagnosed with CANCER!

Today, 1 child every hour will be diagnosed with AUTISM!

Today, over 1 thousand children will be put on Ritalin or Antidepressants, doubling their risk of killing themselves or others!

Today, 1 out of every 3 children born will develop DIABETES!

Today, for the first time in history, parents will outlive their own children!


What are you doing about this tragedy?

Are you listening to this HIGH ALERT?

Are you ignoring this HIGH ALERT?


The true reality is living in this medical model, this model of waiting until we’re sick to take care of ourselves, is responsible for millions of people dying per year!


There is only one healer.  It is not a pill, shot, or surgery.  It is the power inside of you that created you and never left you. 

A Chiropractic adjustment removes pressure from the nerves so the power that created you can flow into you and heal you.

Chiropractic patients take less drugs, get sick less often, have stronger immune systems, and express more life!


You can’t have a healthy lifestyle without a clear nervous system!


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

It Seems Impossible

It was just a few days ago one of my patients commented to me about the video we were playing in our office. It was a documentary highlighting the outright fraud perpetuated today by the psychiatric profession, as well as the children and families being destroyed by the antidepressants they prescribe.

Her comment was: “Doc, I LOVE THE VIDEOS YOU PLAY HERE! I could just sit here and watch all day. Everything they discuss is so true- My sister was on Prozac, and just tried to kill herself!” She then added, “The saddest part is that so many people don’t want to believe that it’s true.”

My reply to her was that what’s happening now with our medical health care system today is no different than what happened with the Holocaust back in Nazi Germany during WWII.

When the supreme commander of the Allied forces, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, arrived at the concentration camps, he gave the order to take as many films and photographs as possible. He also ordered the surrounding German population to be taken to the concentration camps, and in some cases bury the dead. When asked the reason for all of this, his response was: “The day will come when some ‘son of a bitch’ will say this never happened.”

While the rest of the world had their back turned in disbelief, they managed to wipe out a good portion of humanity including: 6 million Jews, 20 million Russians, and 10 million Christians. Not bad for something that “never happened.”

Today, a Chemical Holocaust continues- right under our noses; crimes against humanity committed because of greed and profit governed by the pharmaceutical industry. They are the modern day “Hitler SS” organizing their Ultimate Plan: Lifetime drugging of every man, woman, and child on the planet. They use your well intentioned medical physicians and pediatricians (who don’t believe it’s true) as conduits to achieve profit goals.

With every prescription taken for high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, and depression, we are like sheep to the slaughter. Blinded by the promises of a better quality of life, your senses are chemically dulled, and perception of reality distorted, while marching on to the gas chamber comfortably numb.

Are you going to wait for your M.D or T.V. news anchor to tell you that IT IS TRUE THAT every 30 seconds another life is exterminated by our medical health system? I don’t think so. It’s time to wake up, and take a stand for yourself, your family, and your fellow humanity. Every time we say nothing, history repeats itself. This is why you need to be at our Movie Night Mon. June 29th to see the blockbuster movie: “Generation Rx” to learn how to keep your friends and family free of medications.

Who’s life will you be saving Wed. June 17th at our Father’s Day Patient Appreciation Day?? We have a limited number of appointments available for your friend, family member, or co-worker to get their exam and nerve system evaluation.

Get Registered at the front desk NOW!
Or call 817-267-0102

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Maximized Living Makeover Recap

(If you were not able to attend you can still start…ask the front desk for details) 817-267-0102


Health:  When nearly all 75 trillion cells in your body are functioning & healing properly.  This is termed homeodynamic equilibrium.  Disease cannot dwell in such an environment. 


Homeodynamic Equilibrium & Health:  Depends on cellular purity & sufficiency.

Disease:  A result of cellular toxicity or deficiency (not your genes or your luck)

Most health programs fail because they focus on a specific deficiency or toxicity and not on the entire homeodynamic balance required for healthy function


5 Maximums for Life & Health

  1. Minimize the Use of Drugs, other Toxins, & Surgery:  As if God's creation wasn't good enough, the modern culture has been completely transformed by man – pesticides, genetically modified food products, harmful home cleaning products, Teflon cookware, & the contamination of our water supply all pose serious health threats.  However, the number one threat – that continues to kill more people than anything else is the mainstream medical model.  Adverse drug reactions, hospital stays, and surgical mishaps destroy more lives (1 million) in a single year than any war in the history of mankind.   


  1. Maximum Nerve Supply:  Homeodynamic equilibrium cannot exist & the body cannot heal without pure & sufficienct function of the Central Nervous System (CNS). Our spine is the protective shield that God provided to protect his healing system – the CNS.  Most people in our society take better care of their car than their spine & CNS.  Dangerous subluxations such as forward head posture, loss of cervical curve, & lateral deviations in the spine (scoliosis) put tremendous stress on the brain-body connection affecting every organ in the body. This causes numerous pathological consequences in the body that if uncorrected  lead to organ failure & early death. 


  1. Maximize the Quality of Your Nutrients:  Optimal hydration & nutrient sufficiency are essential to power the 75 trillion cells everyday.  Our society is chronically dehydrated, deficient in the quality omega-3 fatty acids EPA & DHA, alkaline salts, oils & green vegetables, probiotics, & natural living enzymes.  As a result, our bodies are highly acidic, low-energy, fat storing, disease-producing machines. 


  1. Maximize Oxygen & Lean Body Tissue:  Our bodies were created for movement.  Exercise feeds our brain & tissues with oxygen and neural activation while eliminating the excess acidity stored in fat cells and building muscle.  The epidemic of sedentary lifestyles is antagonist to life and the temple God created for the spirit.   


  1. Maximize Peace & Relationships:  Come and learn how to have Effective time management, purpose/mission goals, & life-priority principles that will allow you to create the life of your dreams at the Essential # 5 Dinner.  You can bring as many guests with you as you like.


The 30-day Maximized Living Makeover challenge is designed to help you radically improve your health in all the essential areas.  The workbook & the interactive website accelerate your growth as you move out of a culture gripped by high stress & poor health, & instead move into the life of your dreams as you recreate the homeodynamic balance so necessary to life.

Join us for the follow-up Maximized Living Makeover Workshops Thurs. May 28th, Mon.  June 1st , and Thurs. June 18th.  Ask the front desk for details.

Space is Limited!!


Monday, May 11, 2009


Burst Training

Goal:  Improve oxygen levels, fuel the brain with proprioception (movement sensation), create incredible strength, speed, balance, & coordination, reduce injuries, improve posture & immune levels, while burning through fat & getting ripped in just minutes a day.  Sound good…then enter into the world of Maximized Living.

Human Growth Hormone:  The Natural Anti-Aging Element:  No Supplements Required.

Renowned for its ability to stimulate muscle development, bone growth, fuel immune maturity while switching your body into a potent fat burner.  Growth hormone is secreted in abundant amounts when certain conditions are present such as a pure & sufficient body free of neurotoxic sludge, an optimal functioning nervous system, alkaline diet, low stress, & good sleeping habits

Surge Training:  By far, engaging in short time period, high intensity exercise is the most potent way to stimulate a large HGH response.

Burst Essentials: (Cycling, walking hills, run-walk, elliptical, swimming, rowing, etc.)

            1.  Warm-Up: Begin with a 5-10 minute light warm-up (walking, jogging, etc.)

            2.  SURGE: A 20 second intense surge…followed by a 20 second light movement period

                        3 reps through and then a 2 minute light movement period

                        3 sets of this same circuit = 3 total minutes of high-intensity training

            3.  Cool-Down:  5-10 minutes of light activity



For more details on burst training come to the Maximized Living Makeover Saturday at Compass Church from 10a – 2pm!! For every 2 guests you bring you will receive a free massage! Bring 10 guests and receive 5 free massage gift certificates!!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Swine Flu 101

As the media has began the hype and fear regarding the swine flu outbreak, I felt it was VITAL that everyone remembered THE FACTS to stay well and have no fear of any germ on planet earth, SWINE FLU INCLUDED.
1) Diseases are ‘cyclical’ – they come, they go. This is to be expected. There will NEVER be a time where we don’t have ‘outbreaks’ – NO MATTER HOW MANY VACCINES WE CREATE!!!
2) Some infected people die from the disease, some live. Why? - With this in mind, it’s obviously NOT the disease that determines whether we LIVE OR DIE if the great majority of those infected LIVE. That means it is the RESISTANCE (STRENGTH) OF THE HOST (INFECTED PERSON) which determines whether you live or die. It’s not LUCK or how many times you wash your hands, avoid touching people, wear a mask, etc.
3) Why out of all the DEATHS due to the swine flu, are they happening mainly to the people of Mexico and NOT Americans? I would ask you to observe sanitation practices of these two cultures. Running water, plumbing and proper sewage are MAJOR factors in keeping a STRONG and HEALTHY society.
4) The 1918 flu (Spanish Flu) had a 3% death rate in infected people. And back in 1918 chiropractors were having hundreds of times better results than medicine at surviving! Why? BECAUSE CHIROPRACTIC STRENGTHENS THE HOST – THAT’S YOU AND YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM! **

**Studies have proven that chiropractic strengthens your immune system 200% over those not receiving chiropractic care.

In summary, for those of you who have been getting adjusted and strengthening your body in this office, CONGRATULATIONS, you have NOTHING to worry about (provided that you keep it up of course.) If you were to be infected, you not only will survive, you will THRIVE through this virus and be STRONGER for it.
For those of you who have been missing appointments, ‘too busy’ to make it in, etc. NOW IS THE TIME TO GET BACK ON TRACK.
And for those you love, who HAVE NOT had their spine and nerve system checked in our office, NOW IS THE TIME. If they DO NOT strengthen themselves, they are TRULY AT RISK. Not matter how many masks they wear, handshakes they avoid or how many times they wash their hands. Protect yourselves by coming to the Maximized Living Makeover Saturday, May 16th. For every 2 people you bring with you, you will receive a gift certificate for a free Massage.